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Image by Kalen Emsley

Searching and Shopping for Opportunity

A morning of browsing for business clothes at JPP!

At JPP, we are passionately dedicated to supporting families on their journey to economic stability. A cornerstone of our program is career pathway exploration, where we work tirelessly to connect families with opportunities that lead to livable wage employment.


Through strategic partnerships with local organizations, we facilitate access to internships, skill-building programs, and education initiatives, all aimed at helping individuals land their dream jobs. 

72% of families in JPP gain employment within the first six months of enrollment!

Every year JPP hosts a Searching and Shopping event where families can browse a wide selection of professional clothing and access resources to boost confidence and readiness for their next career move.

Confidence is vital for advancing in your career. When you have faith in your abilities, you approach new opportunities with enthusiasm and determination. It empowers you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace challenges, and seize growth opportunities in your career.


Our dedicated volunteers and community partners provide personalized assistance with resume building and interview preparation. With their guidance, participants will be fully equipped with the knowledge and confidence to shine in front of potential employers.


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