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Image by Kalen Emsley

Raleline's Resilience Yields Success

As a proud mother of two boys, Raeline has made significant strides toward personal and professional success since joining JPP in 2015. Her commitment and hard work have brought about remarkable achievements that inspire us all.

Raeline's journey began with the completion of her CNA certification through the Ann Rose School of Nursing Arts Medical Center in 2018. Shortly after, she successfully passed her CNA licensure exam, opening doors to opportunities in the medical field. Today, Raeline thrives in a job she genuinely enjoys, contributing her skills and passion to making a difference in the healthcare sector.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Raeline is actively involved in JPP's Family Advisory Council, showcasing her dedication to the community. Recognizing the importance of fostering a warm and supportive environment for new families joining JPP, she took the initiative to establish the welcoming committee. Her efforts have had a profound impact on the experience of new families, creating a sense of belonging and support from the moment they enroll.

Raeline's commitment to her family's well-being has yielded exceptional results. Her oldest son is currently pursuing his bachelor's degree at Metropolitan State University of Denver, a testament to his own drive and Raeline's unwavering support. Meanwhile, her youngest son excels academically and finds joy in playing basketball, embracing his passions and talents.

We are immensely proud of Raeline's dedication, hard work, and the accomplishments she has achieved. Her story exemplifies the transformative power of determination, resilience, and the support provided by JPP. Raeline's unwavering commitment to her family's well-being and active involvement in the JPP community inspires us all.


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