Frequently Asked Questions
Read some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Jeffco Prosperity Partners and the JPP Program.
What is the Jeffco Prosperity Partners (JPP)? JPP is an early intervention program that moves low-income families to economic self-sufficiency by improving health and well-being, building economic stability through financial literacy, promoting early childhood education, post-secondary education and employment, and creating social capital. JPP’s ultimate goal is to provide families with a clear pathway out of poverty towards long-term economic stability-- parents to self-sufficiency and children to high school diploma and beyond.
How did JPP get started? JPP is an extension of Head Start no-cost early childhood education program. Head Start prioritizes social-emotional development and prepares children for school by offering comprehensive support to the entire family. When families enroll their children in Head Start, they have the option to join the JPP program. JPP coaches assist children during their transition from Head Start to public schools, while also supporting parents and caregivers in achieving their self-defined goals.
Who does JPP serve? JPP serves Jefferson County families living below the federal poverty line. Family dynamics include single parents, two-parent, and kinship families. Individuals in the program range from ages 0 to 76. Each family is connected to JPP until their youngest child graduates from high school, ensuring academic success and sustained family self-sufficiency.
How does JPP help families break the cycle of generational poverty? Addressing generational poverty requires comprehensive approaches that tackle both the immediate needs of individuals and families, as well as systemic barriers. JPP uses a two-generation approach to provide individualized coaching services to help families access quality education, job opportunities, healthcare, and supportive services to help them achieve economic stability. Coaches collaborate with each family to gain a deep understanding of their unique needs, identify any systemic barriers they may be facing, and develop a clear and personalized pathway to success.
How is JPP connected to Jeffco Prosperity Partners nonprofit? Jeffco Prosperity Partners (previously Jeffco Human Services Foundation) is a 501(c)(3) organization that financially supports JPP through grants and donations. JPP is the only program the Foundation supports at this time.
How does JPP work with the government? JPP utilizes family voice to help inform Jefferson County Human Services, as an agency, about best practices and innovative approaches that lead to better outcomes for parents and children. These practices include improving service delivery for all customers in Jeffco by integrating family voices and building community partnerships. Jeffco Human Services has identified guiding principles that will continue to make greater system improvements. These principles include adopting trauma-informed practices, utilizing customer and employee voices, and community influences on health and equity.
How can families access the services provided by JPP? Are there any eligibility requirements to participate in JPP programs? Families and individuals who have a child enrolled in Head Start, Jefferson County’s early childhood program, can access JPP's services. Qualifications for Head Start are based on a family’s socioeconomic status and cater to children who have often experienced trauma and have higher Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) than many of their peers.

Does JPP collaborate with other organizations or agencies to provide comprehensive support to families in need? Community Partnerships with other organizations in the community are another path to build participants’ social capital. JPP has grown to include over 60 community partners including government, schools, nonprofits, and businesses. JPP identifies partners through the coaching process by listening to participant needs and identifying existing service providers in the community that address those needs.
How can I make a donation to support JPP's work? Are donations tax-deductible? All donations to JPP families are made through Jeffco Prosperity Partners (JPP), a 501(c)(3) organization, and are tax-deductible (EIN 82-1885665). You can donate online Text GIVE to (866)-522-1324 Mail a check to 900 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 370, Golden, Colorado 80401. You can donate monthly through our Monthly Giving Program and provide sustainable support to JPP families. Sign up for the King Soopers Community Rewards program and support JPP families every time you grocery shop - at NO COST to you!
How can I get involved with JPP as a volunteer? If you have a skill set or knowledge you want to share with families in the JPP program, connect with us. Volunteers have taught classes on cooking, finances, yoga, motivational speaking, and homeownership- just to name a few.
Contact us to learn about upcoming opportunities for you to share your skills.